Stunning Smithsonite 3.11.4 lbs raw chunk, natural, Crystals, crystal healing, rocks, specimen, high vibration healing sessions
Stunning Smithsonite 3.11.4 lbs raw chunk, natural, Crystals, crystal healing, rocks, specimen, high vibration healing sessions
Stunning Smithsonite 3.11.4 lbs. raw chunk, a huge statement piece of sea magick! This is gorgeous. It’s so, so strong and heavy, I’ve never seen a chunk this large. And the triple AAA quality! But the beauty is indescribable. It truly looks like ocean water coming up to a sand dune. It’s refreshing and joyful. We all need to connect more to water: drinking it, caring for our water sources, allowing ourselves to flow. I am lucky to get one magickal chunk in and to share it with you. It is totally natural and stunning. I use smithsonite for zinc intake as I hold it, but this piece is almost 4 lbs, put it where you can see it often! I thought this was two pieces but it’s actually one very large, very stunning, museum-quality piece! I took these photos in twilight but tomorrow I will take some in sunshine. It’s such an amazing piece we need more photos! 🩵
Balochistan Province
1kg 684g
3.11.4 ounds