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Tina Leonard Healing

Strawberry Pink Mint Lemurian Fairy Cluster Bed with a twin, new, high quality, striations, crystal healing, 2.75”, hematite, premium

Strawberry Pink Mint Lemurian Fairy Cluster Bed with a twin, new, high quality, striations, crystal healing, 2.75”, hematite, premium

Regular price $198.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $198.00 USD
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Strawberry Pink Mint Green Lemurian cluster fairy wand with a twin end, absolutely mystical. I knew this sparkly quartz collection was special! These wands are perfect for transformers…this group is going right into the temple now to share its new wisdom from the galactics that it recorded from. I feel so utterly blessed! Use these for heart chakra wisdom and healing, as well as connection to your star family. This new group has come forward at this time to bring healing and transformation and connection to your star family. Look at the companions encrusting it!

A pink dragon and a green dragon accompany this group, it remains a family forever. They are here to help us reach our highest potential.
New, Brazil
34g, 1.2 ounces

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lovely lumerian I am so excited to use whi...

Lovely lumerian I am so excited to use while I meditate and access my akashic records!