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Tina Leonard Healing

Starbrary Lemurian Statement Piece, Rare, New, gift, 6”, crystal healing, high vibration crystals

Starbrary Lemurian Statement Piece, Rare, New, gift, 6”, crystal healing, high vibration crystals

Regular price $310.00 USD
Regular price $1,288.00 USD Sale price $310.00 USD
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Starbrary Lemurian statement piece, starry and beautiful and overlit by angels. It’s like looking at the most amazing bed of Herkimer Diamonds. I hunt for Starbraries and it’s rare I find them, these are new in my shop from Brazil, Tomas Gonzaga mine. This one is stunning, heart magick so consider placing it somewhere you can enjoy it. Key of David energies in this heavenly piece. Archangel Metatron has come in very strongly to my temple lately and I feel this angel in this piece, too. True Starbrary Lemurian Quartz is so rare now because of mine conditions, and I was blessed to be offered this lot, which of course I immediately jumped on for my temple family here! It’s just too celestial to describe. This wand goes into my temple now for sacred embedding and I feel so loved! It’s huge and heavy, a statement piece with so much starbrary encoding and deep flash system to connect to galactic energies. With a bit fat rainbow in the top and Starbrary flash, this piece is exceptional. I really believe I receive the finest Starbraries in the world in my temple, and it’s a dream come true for me that they choose my home and my heart in which to rest and integrate their magick.

This piece is very heavy, almost 4 pounds.

Perfect 6x4.5”
3.15.1 pounds
1kg 788

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