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Tina Leonard Healing

Learn From Me Temple of Wisdom, 10 personal weekly sessions on the healer’s path, psychic, healing, classes, how-to

Learn From Me Temple of Wisdom, 10 personal weekly sessions on the healer’s path, psychic, healing, classes, how-to

Regular price $1,800.00 USD
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Learn From Me Temple of Wisdom, 10 weeks of studying the mystic healer’s path with me in twelve weekly sessions. Once you pay for your sessions, the temple is opened and your Guides and Teachers begin to come forward for healing and gifts, even before you and I start working together. They will begin to integrate your physical vessel for upgrade, because you have come forward with true intention. *Please read all the following information carefully before committing, as this is a serious path for Divine Wisdom and Activation.*

Last year someone asked me to teach them everything I know. I did not undertake that at the time, as I wanted time to consider & reflect with my Guides. A few months later I was instructed to take on souls who are willing and wish to learn the healer’s path. Over 2 and a half months, one hour a week, I will teach you everything exactly as I know it. You will be a very different person at the end of our time together, but if you are seeking healing, wisdom, and sacred mysteries, bring an open mind & heart. Zoom or FT. Crystal singing bowls, drums, light language, sacred geometry, prayer, crystal grids and body layouts, and Shamanic medicine may be covered, depending upon your comfort. I respectfully request that you read reviews from people that have used my services, visit my website, and also look for my IG or other videos for a better idea of my work. In these 10 hours, you will feel like you are covering a lot. There will be a lot to absorb. But what you seek is seeking you, and now is the time to discover.

This is my favorite offering. I am on a mission to teach as many people as I can whatever they want to learn. The price for the temple is less than my individual sessions for this reason. But I reserve the right not to accept any student who I feel is not a fit for the sacred teaching in this temple I am offering. You will be invited to read certain books or lessons by authors on material I have found illuminating. If you are uncomfortable with angels, dragons, Christ consciousness, love of humanity, glyphs, etc., I am not the mentor for you. You will have access to me should you have questions between weekly sessions. The first session (and before we meet) is a healing and clearing session so that your temple is as pure as your intention to learn. This is a serious path of commitment and not for someone who doesn’t have a burning desire for service to humanity and the planet. Please send a paragraph telling why you wish to enter this wisdom temple.

*None of this temple teaching is pre-recorded. It is you learning straight from me. After years of studying with teachers around the world, the very best there are, I know you will learn best straight from a mentor. There are no drugs, diets, or religious dogma involved. In my case, I am a shamanic and faith-based healer, which means I am taught much by the angels, sacred ancestors, and Christ Himself, who has taught me healing modalities. I have been asked now to pass this on. The investment may seem expensive, but if you divide it by 10 hours and 24/7 access to me, I think the value of what I am willing to share is apparent. Thank you for considering my sacred Temple of Wisdom for your healing and teaching path.

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