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Tina Leonard Healing

Carnelian Druzy Dragon Skull, 3.5”, new, altar, gifts, crystal healing, high vibration crystals

Carnelian Druzy Dragon Skull, 3.5”, new, altar, gifts, crystal healing, high vibration crystals

Regular price $85.00 USD
Regular price $395.00 USD Sale price $85.00 USD
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Carnelian Druzy Skull 3.5” absolutely beautiful carving and rich with color. This is Pearl, a shapeshifter dragon and keeper of sacred wisdom with gorgeous deep coloring and a druzy smile of white. She is overlit by Archangel Raziel, an angel of wisdom, esoteric knowledge, and grace. I find Raziel to be a very loving angel. Carnelian is a root and sacral chakra crystal, to help you bring in grounding and feelings of security and home and success. Pearl is a fast worker, she wishes to stay busy assisting you with your base chakra grounding. What do you wish to bring in? ❤️

9 ounces, almost a pound
New, currently in my skull and dragon temple. She will bathe this week before going in to Galaxy Commander, my skull that overlights the sacred temple for training.

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