What Happens When Life Changes You?
I am a mystic, a development that occurred after a deep grief incident sort of rerouted my brain quite painfully for more than a year. Before that I wrote romance novels for more than 20 years - which seems a lifetime ago! My novels are still offered on Amazon in e-book form. I never considered myself to have any special "gifts" but now in retrospect I realize that I've been psychic all my life. Sometimes life slows us down to change our path - having written 80+ novels, I think the Universe was ready for me to channel new information. I sell crystals and do healing treatments and readings, which are my most requested service - my shamanic healing gifts are my most treasured and effective tools. I do suffer migraines occasionally now, having never had headaches before! That's just part of the Healer's Path I've learned to accept. It's worth it when I get notes and reviews from people who feel that my energy practice has made a significant difference in their lives. I have never written a spiritual book - after I closed my laptop on romance novels, I have never had a desire to publish anything again. Divine Guidance is funny that way, but I love living in the flow of the Universe!